This is an old painting that I sold a year ago. I wanted to talk about this one because it was so difficult for me to paint at first. I was ready to throw out the canvas and didn't know what to do at one point. I can't get myself to actually throw out a canvas so I stepped away for some time. When I came back I just kept adding and adding bits and pieces. When I was done, my husband said it wasn't his favorite (he's my personal art critic whom I place all finished peices in front of when I'm done). I have to say I thought it might be too busy. When I placed it on ebay I had a crazy amount of hits - it was like a hit a minute. In 7 days, over 900 ppl looked at it. I sold it - there was a bidding war and I never had such a hype on any other painting since. I have made giclees of it since it's on such a high demand and I get asked about it all the time. The story of 'Dance of Color' goes to show that you never do know. I was going to hold back on listing it at first and then said why not. Needless to say it began growing on me as well with time :)