Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dance of Color

This is an old painting that I sold a year ago. I wanted to talk about this one because it was so difficult for me to paint at first. I was ready to throw out the canvas and didn't know what to do at one point. I can't get myself to actually throw out a canvas so I stepped away for some time. When I came back I just kept adding and adding bits and pieces. When I was done, my husband said it wasn't his favorite (he's my personal art critic whom I place all finished peices in front of when I'm done). I have to say I thought it might be too busy. When I placed it on ebay I had a crazy amount of hits - it was like a hit a minute. In 7 days, over 900 ppl looked at it. I sold it - there was a bidding war and I never had such a hype on any other painting since. I have made giclees of it since it's on such a high demand and I get asked about it all the time. The story of 'Dance of Color' goes to show that you never do know. I was going to hold back on listing it at first and then said why not. Needless to say it began growing on me as well with time :)


trish said...

It really is a unique piece Michelle. I often step away from a painting only to come back and make changes. Like you it is the ones I'm not sure of that seem the biggest hits. Only goes to show we are our own worst critics! Thanks for stopping by my blog I would be happy to link up with you.

Lori Andrews said...

Beautiful work Michelle. Will bookmark for more eye candy later. Lori

Ellen Shipley said...

Love your work! Love your blog too. 8-]

Donald V. Rainville said...

I run into the same problem in my work... Sometimes it's just not coming out the way I want. In fact I go through a love hate relationship with just about every painting I create. Like yourself it is often the ones that I have an issue with that the public seem to gravitate towards.

All that being said... I find it important to remember that the best of art is not something the general public is going to like generally. I find that really good curators gravitate towards art which has maturity and obscurity.... meaning that which shows mature talent but is uncommon. From an educated stand point some of your best works might be and likely are the ones the general viewing audience walks right past.

I really like your work, it shows an exploration of the mind in patterns, shape and color...